When we left the midwest for the subtropics of central Florida, I was old enough to feel the loss of the seasons. Maybe it was because we moved in late August. That final summer never ended. I was left eternally waiting for autumn. I thought about the rusting light of that season and its matching colors, the closing of and slowing down of things, and was bereft. Which, come to think of it, was fitting.

Still, it's a shame my mourning for autumn crowded out the other seasons. Particularly spring. (Fall and spring are the two most transient, and therefore most thrilling, seasons, to me.) Now as nature awakens I too am awakening to spring; how it smells, how it feels; how all the tiny spots of green-brown buds on rain-black branches are more beautiful than the fullness of summer leaves, as if they're winking at you, with squinty eyes, having only just woken up...

Photos taken on film with Pentax K1000.
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