Crown and Bough

Saturday, 10 February 2018


  1. Hello! I just came upon your blog! You must live in the UK? Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I went to the UK a few years back: Partridge Green, Oxford, and London. It was a Hilaire Belloc/Edmund Campion pilgrimage. Just wanted to say hello and thank you for bringing me back to some great memories of being in the UK! :)

    1. Hello, Catherine! It's strange, I haven't been notified of your comments on your blog, I'll have to check the settings.

      Yes, I live in north Wales! My husband is a native, and we don't stray very often outside of our little area. I have been to Oxford, though, just last summer, which was wonderful. I wasn't aware Hilaire Belloc had roots in Oxford, though I'm not at all surprised. We followed an Inklings-focused tour throughout the city (self-directed). It's nice to meet you!

  2. Hello!

    It's nice to meet you too! Thank you for the encouraging comments on my blog.

    I'm not sure if Belloc is associated with Oxford (though I wouldn't be surprised!) but Saint Edmund Campion studied there. Now I want to return to Oxford and do an Inklings tour! I also would like to visit Wales one day. I don't know much about Wales but am interested in its history!
