Crown and Bough

Sunday, 8 January 2017


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2017."

Roan:  very studiously at his books in the library, instead of participating in the read-aloud story time.

Afon:  a bit wound up from the Christmas festivities!

New year, new 52 project.  Let's see if I can actually complete one!

Roan has been going around saying what I believe to be, "that, that!" indicating that he wants something.  At first I thought it was "Dada," but we've always referred to him as Daddy, so I think it's the former.  Is it odd that I'm sort of excited to potty train him after his second birthday?

Afon really thrives with one-on-one attention.  He has a one-on-one helper at school who stays for part of the day, and when you talk to him, he listens, and looks back at you with these intense, pond-green eyes.  He is starting to communicate better with the phrase, "I want ___, please," which is fantastic.

We'll see where we are come the end of 2017, versus the beginning.  Ready, set, go!

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