Crown and Bough

Saturday, 5 November 2016


I'm waiting with the other parents to pick up Afon after school.  The bus driver says, "Does Afon belong to you?  Oh, boy!"  But in an affectionate sort of way.  His teacher leads him out to me, and the aids say "Goodbye, Afon!"

A package arrives in the mail.  Inside, a hand-painted icon carefully wrapped in green fabric and tied with a ribbon.  John, Roan, and I all breath an exclamation, like a prodigious cue.  (Well, Roan just copies "Wow!" after John and me.)

Today is Bonfire Day.  This evening we hear the sound of firecrackers going off high above in the winter sky, and see the red and blue sparks over the rooftops, with the calm stretch of sea beyond.  Afterwards, we close the curtains, put the music on, and dance in the living room.


  1. That icon is lovely! (And I don't usually like icons.) Where did you get it from?
    Happy Bonfire day to you too - Bonfire day is our wee girl's birthday, so we don't have any fireworks except the one that she, herself, is. ;)

    1. This was a custom commission by Paperwine Industries ( Seth's art is a perfect blend between traditional iconography and folk art.

      A happy birthday to your little one!
