"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2017."
Afon: I don't know if he sees right through you or right into you. Either way, it's unnerving.
Roan: playing in the park on a warm spring day.
Afon lost his first tooth on the past Tuesday. At first, he was quite distressed, and I didn't know what was happening. We were getting him into the bath before school and there was blood coming from his mouth. When I saw that his tooth was loose, I assured him that it was okay and build up the excitement of getting a big boy tooth. He seemed to cheer up when he realized what was happening was normal and expected. It came out later that day and was sent home in a small brown envelope--his first lost baby tooth!
Roan has picked up a few words, such as "water" and "shoes." The speech therapist says he is delayed, but we are optimistic with his introduction into playgroup via Flying Start after Easter.